Squid's (scuffed) carrd thing

full of little guys!


19 years old
college redemption arc in progress
he/hiss || they/them || vey/vex
self-proclaimed yumefujoshi
[EN + हिन्दी + मराठी] Fluent!
[JP + GR] Beginner!
Sometimes I draw
currently hyperfixated on Ensemble Stars!! (oops!)

DNI:- TERFs / Radfems
- Transphobic + Homophobic + Racist + Pro-life
- Support the romanticization of Incestuous or Pedophilic relationships in media
- You happen to possess an intense dislike for any of my favorite characters

- I spam retweet and talk about my favorites a lot. I cannot help it, I mostly use my twitter to be excited about things.
- I often tend towards more morally grey characters, please be normal about this- I actively dislike and avoid both anti and proship discourse. This means that I do not give a shit. However, in the interest of not wanting to be exposed to and associated with contents of Proship/Profic in general, if you absolutely have to put me on a side, assume I am an 'anti'.- I say things that are incorrect or stupid, as all human people do. Feel free to counter me if I'm wrong. You can shoot me a cc or DM too. I don't actually bite. You don't have to make a callout post on me- I am not averse to saying "Sorry I was wrong" !- I consider myself a 'fujoshi/fudanshi'. If you think that is 'gross' or 'fetishizing mlm' I do not care. Leave. I'm not explaining it to you.- Not giving out info on my ethnicity/diagnosis/gender and sexuality unless you're trust rank 3 (i.e. I don't owe it to you but you will undoubtedly look stupid if you assume anything about me.) I am not an influencer!- Most certainly NOT looking for mutuals, I don't follow back unless you're acquainted with multiple of my friends. Sorry, I hate the internet now.

Days since my unfortunate descent into enstars